I think that the writer of the editorial in the Austin American Statesman makes a valid point when it comes to the Texas Forensic Science Commission. We have already found that many people that are in jail have been locked away and innocent. Now we come to find out that an inmate on death row might have been innocent only to have been executed before the evidence was reviewed.
The writer notes that Govenor Rick Perry made a surprising and oddly questionable decision to replace almost half of the commission members the day before an expert was slated to testify. I also agree with the reporter on the fact that we as the public should not be kept in the dark as to matters of reports pertaining to cases pending. The public deserves to know if evidence is being witheld or if people are being wrongly accussed. I do understand procedures are put into place to keep vital information out of the hands of civiltians that may affect the investigation of criminal activity.
The author of this column shows us that he believes Williamson County District Attorney John Bradley will step in and clean up the Forensic Commissions act. He may work for Govenot Rick Perry, but he will not take any nonsense from him. He understands that Bradley will be brutally honest and efficient and clean house.
Measles case count tops 200
15 hours ago
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