Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bicycles, Bicycles

I must say that I do not agree with Mathew. . Bicyclists should learn to respect motorists and not motorists respecting bicyclists. I don't know how many times I have gotten stuck behind a person riding their bicycle in the road (not in a bikelane) when there is a perfectly good, large sidewalk to use. Why do they feel they can take up a whole car lane to ride their bike. I believe this causes many accidents because the motorists try to switch lanes because the person on a bicycle is going slow and also the motorist does not want to pass in the same lane for fear of hitting the person on a bicycle. Yes we must teach the youth to be respecful of people on bikes, but for crying out loud bicyclists must realize they are not a majority and do not own the roads.
Yes it is true, Austin and bikes go hand in hand. But so do cars and roads. There are many great sidewalks and bike trails for bikes and even bike lanes. If there is no bike lane, stay of the road.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Parental Rights

I have to say that I agree with Adriana. How awful it must be to lose your child. I have two children myself. I would die if anything happened to them. Secondly I would do anything for them and to make their lives better.
I Understand and feel for these immigrants that want to make a better life for themselves and unfortunately have to arrive in the states illegally. It is not like the early 1900's where we accepted everyone. Now it is not so easy to get here.
Even though these women are here illegally, they should not lose parental rights. If they are deported, the children should go with the parents. If the parents are sent to jail and the child is sent to a foster home, they should not be allowed to be adopted unless the child is in danger from the parents. Not all parents can provide for their children and this is unfortunate. But I believe that for the most part these parents are trying to do the best they can for the children. Give them a chance. Dont take away the right to be a parent.

Monday, November 23, 2009

What side are we on anyway?

What is going on in the world of politics? It seems that political parties are being turned on their heads. Republicans are going independant, democrats are going independant. Both parties are crossing the isle. Why is everyone wanting to be an independant for the most part? Is it because it is the safest spot to be? I believe that is what people believe. It is easier to be on the fence or possible the majority side. Because today no one wants to be associated with the Republicans due to associations with former President Bush and his war policies and no one wants to be associated with Democrats due to the recent falters of Democratic policy wavering, such as rising unemployment, healthcare issues and indecision about Afghanistan. Independants have leaned both towards the Republicans and the Democrats in the past couple of years but now in this time of political unrest, they are not leaning towards either party. I can honestly say that I do not blame them. The way people commit to political parties, it can be dangerous to associate with one or the other. People are very sensitive to political issues and often defend their values and beliefs fully. It seems that change has been comming and it is now here. People are aligning themselves wtih the Independants and leaving their own parties.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Military Politics

Ruger a veteran and associate professor is the author of the article and makes a valid point especially to anyone who was a military veteran. Ruger explains that it is important for any military person, most importantly ones who are high up. Of course people will have their political opinions but they should be unbiased and not allow their politics to be displayed to the public or known to the people they work with. It will only cause issues and influence people to see things in a certain light. Ruger points out that General McChrystal made the unfortunate mistake of doing just this. Ruger makes sure to point out that McChrystal is quite intelligent, confident and talented. I fully believe it is true that someone of that rank and position should in no way let his political views be known. Of course it would be hard when talking ot people in general to let your political stance be known, but you have to be wary of who you back when you are high up. If you do people will attack you or will side with you because of who you are. Young soldiers will possibly align themselves with their superior because they believe their commander knows best. Ruger makes a great point about political alignment for military personell but one has to take this and apply it to everyone not just for military people. If we see movie stary, or other famous people supporting a certain group, people will blindly follow and that can be dangerous.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Forensic Foul-up?

I think that the writer of the editorial in the Austin American Statesman makes a valid point when it comes to the Texas Forensic Science Commission. We have already found that many people that are in jail have been locked away and innocent. Now we come to find out that an inmate on death row might have been innocent only to have been executed before the evidence was reviewed.

The writer notes that Govenor Rick Perry made a surprising and oddly questionable decision to replace almost half of the commission members the day before an expert was slated to testify. I also agree with the reporter on the fact that we as the public should not be kept in the dark as to matters of reports pertaining to cases pending. The public deserves to know if evidence is being witheld or if people are being wrongly accussed. I do understand procedures are put into place to keep vital information out of the hands of civiltians that may affect the investigation of criminal activity.

The author of this column shows us that he believes Williamson County District Attorney John Bradley will step in and clean up the Forensic Commissions act. He may work for Govenot Rick Perry, but he will not take any nonsense from him. He understands that Bradley will be brutally honest and efficient and clean house.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Prisoners before citizens?

The Austin American Statesman recently posted an article about how prison officials in Texas had stated that pregnant prisoners would receive the H1N1 influenza virus before non criminal persons. It was also reported that other prisoners would possible receive the shot. It has even been proposed that death row inmates could receive the shot if medically needed.

What is going on with our govt? I mean these people are convicted criminals. They already receive free housing, clothing, food and they get cable T.V.. I know lots of people that are not in jail that don't even have cable. Now we are possibly going to give them vaccinations when people that are not incarcerated can't even get doses. Really?

The only reason I can see the local govt. doing this is for the pregnant women just for the fact that the babies need the protection and it is not their fault their parent is in jail. The second reasin is so that the prison population does not have an outbreak and spread it to the jailers that have not received the shot.